Materias publicadas no sitio 2017.2018

terça-feira, 15 de agosto de 2017

Indicação de Bibliogrfia I

Ades, H. and Graham, M. (2010) The Rough Guide to Ecuador, Rough Guides
Becker, M. (2008) Indians and Leftists in the Making of Ecuador's Modern Indigenous Movements, Duke University Press Books
Becker, M. and Clark, A. K. (2007) Highland Indians and the State in Modern Ecuador, University of Pittsburgh Press
Blakenship, J. (2005) Cañar: A Year in the Highlands of Ecuador, University of Texas Press
Brown, J. and Smith, J. (2009) Moon Guidebook: Ecuador and the Galápagos Islands, Avalon Travel Publishing
Crowder, N. (2009) Culture Shock! Ecuador: A Survival Guide to Customs and Etiquette, Marshall Cavendish Corporation
City of Quito». Consultado em 25 de janeiro de 2017
Gerlach, A. (2003) Indians, Oil, and Politics: A Recent History of Ecuador, SR Books
Historic Centre of Santa Ana de los Ríos de Cuenca. 2 de janeiro de 2017.
Handelsman, M. H. (2008) Culture and Customs of Ecuador, Greenwood
Hurtado, O. (2010) Portrait of a Nation: Culture and Progress in Ecuador, Madison Books
O'Connor, E. (2007) Gender, Indian, Nation: The Contradictions of Making Ecuador, 1830–1925, University of Arizona Press
Pineo, R. (2007) Ecuador and the United States: Useful Strangers, University of Georgia Press
Roos, W. and Van Renterghem, O. (2000) Ecuador in Focus: A Guide to the People, Politics, and Culture, Latin America Bureau
Statistics of income tax for Ecuador Cities. 31 de janeiro de 2017.
Sawyer, S. (2004) Crude Chronicles: Indigenous Politics, Multinational Oil, and Neoliberalism in Ecuador, Duke University Press Books
Striffler, S. (2001) In the Shadows of State and Capital: The United Fruit Company, Popular Struggle, and Agrarian Restructuring in Ecuador – 1900–1995, Duke University Press Books
Torre, C. de la and Striffler, S. (2008) The Ecuador Reader: History, Culture, Politics, Duke University Press Books